News The Fly-By


The concept of evaluation is extremely important to Memphis educators. The word appears numerous times in A Comprehensive Guide to Teacher Evaluation and Professional Growth, a teachers aid produced by the Memphis City Schools, in which the word is defined as using collected information [assessments] to make informed decisions. Here is an example of evaluation in action: Propeesha, an eighth-grade student, rummaged through her closet searching for an outfit that wouldn t make her look like a hoochie. After all, hoochie clothes have no place in our schools where other students might notice them and say, Hey, girl, you look like a hoochie. Realizing that her wardrobe consisted only of chinos and an assortment of shirts with button-down collars, she was called upon to evaluate her circumstances. Golly, she declared with more than a trace of excitement in her voice. This is one less situation where I ll be called upon to use my cognitive-reasoning skills. Thank you, Johnnie B. Watson.