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Elliot Perry’s return brings a journey full circle; Jerry West is determined to build a winner for Memphis.

Character Development

Elliot Perry’s return to the U of M brings a journey full circle.

By Ron Martin

Elliot Perry had just signed his letter of intent to play basketball

at the University of Memphis when Coach Larry Finch called him into his

office. “I’m going to put the ball in your

hands,” Elliot recalls Finch saying. “Where we

go is up to you.”

Perry took Finch’s words to heart but not just on the basketball court.

Perry takes everything to heart. “I realized at

a young age growing up in the ‘hood that I had decisions to make,” says

Perry. “Michael Toney [a family friend who mentored Perry when he was

younger] exposed me to a life outside my neighborhood, taking me to the University

of Memphis and [on a trip] with his family to California.These were things that

affected my future. It wasn’t much, but it sure meant a lot to me.”

When we spoke, Perry had just finished meeting with some kids from today’s

version of the ‘hood. While sportswriters and broadcasters were filing stories about

Perry’s return to his alma mater as a special

assistant in the Tiger Club fund-raising department, Perry was exposing youngsters to

the stumbling blocks that lay before them: “Develop character. Choose your

battles. You can’t fight every one; it may not be yours to fight,” he said in a tone

suggesting the words might be his creed.

Perry was born with enough talent to be good. He became great because

he worked hard. Each step of his basketball career presented new hurdles, but

Perry used those hurdles as stepladders. Each step of his personal life has followed

the same path. “We all make mistakes, do things we wish we could take back,”

he says. “Which is why I tell kids to map out their lives. Young players look at

guys like Kobe Bryant and Kevin Garnett and think it’s easy.”

Perry seldom strays far from the point that basketball should be used by

youngsters to develop opportunities. “It’s

important to develop relationships. That’s what

it’s all about,” says Perry. “I try to tell kids

that good relationships last a lifetime.”

He remembers the mornings Coach Dorsey Sims pulled him out of bed to make class.

The prodding of coaches Sims and Finch is the foundation Perry uses today as he creates

relationships with the next generation. Of course, along the way, he could also be creating

relationships to generate money for the U of M athletic department, his new role in life.

But Perry keeps it all in perspective. He realized the definition of the term

“student-athlete” by earning his degree in four

years. “I thank the Lord every day for the

consistent opportunities He gives me,” he says.

“I try to tell kids that it’s too hard to come

back and get a degree after they leave school.”

It seems a lifetime ago when it was unusual for a collegiate star to turn pro

before his eligibility expired. Today, coaches

recruit with the knowledge that star athletes may stick around for a year at most.

High above the basketball court at The Pyramid hangs Perry’s number 34 jersey.

Maybe they should hang his cap and gown up there

as well, symbols of how to map out a life.

Flyers The annual C-USA football

media days were held in Memphis this week. After a golf tournament, coaches and

select players answered insightful questions such as “What do you expect this

season?” Another question making the rounds

concerned filling the C-USA commissioner’s office. It was a question left

unanswered and one that could remain unanswered

for some time … Bowling for dollars: The Professional Women’s Bowlers Association

is in Collierville this week at FunQuest Lanes.

Ramblings Archie Manning’s request

for Ole Miss not to hype son Eli’s Heisman Trophy candidacy will probably win the

trophy for him … Hats off to R.C. Johnson for

his desire to create a U of M athletic department that doesn’t depend on playing

Tennessee … Will Albert Means be the only Tiger on the sidelines because of academics?

Wanted: Talent

The Grizzlies’ West is determined to build a winner for Memphis.

By James P. Hill

Jerry West, the Grizzlies’ president of basketball operations, is

continuing his efforts to rebuild the Grizzlies into a team that can compete

with the NBA’s elite. It’s a simple plan: Get more talent.

“We need to get as many talented players as we can,” says West.

“Hopefully, we’ll have an opportunity some time

in the future to have a team where we have talent at all positions.”

The 2002 NBA draft and off-season trading spree is already yielding results,

if summer-league basketball competition can be used as a measuring stick. New

players such as Drew Gooden, Robert Archibald, and Gordan Giracek, a 6’6″ shooting

guard (CSKA Moscow, Russia) who was the 29th overall selection by the San Antonio Spurs

in 1999, offer youth and talent.

Giracek, who was acquired from San Antonio for a second-round pick in the

2004 draft, is already playing, knocking down jump shots, hitting free throws, and

fitting in. In a recent loss to the Portland

Trailblazers, Giracek led the Grizzlies in scoring

with 17 points.

“We feel that Giracek is a terrific,

experienced player who has played professionally for a number of years,” says West. “He is

a sharpshooter who is athletic and will bring additional quality depth to our

outside shooting positions.”

In the latest attempt to help solidify the backcourt, the Grizzlies have signed

former Seattle Sonics point guard Earl Watson

(6’1″, UCLA) to a free-agent contract. Seattle

has 15 days to match the offer, but at this point, it appears Watson is coming to

Memphis. As a Sonics rookie (2001-02), Watson averaged 3.6 points, 2 assists, 1.3 rebounds,

and .94 steals in 15 minutes per contest. Watson seems happy to be coming to Memphis.

“I am excited about the opportunity to play

for the Grizzlies for several reasons,” he says.

“I grew up in Kansas City, which is close to Memphis, and I consider it a privilege to

have a chance to play for Jerry West.”

The Grizzlies have also signed Cezary Trybanski, a 22-year-old, 7’1″,

254-pound center. Cezary, who comes to Memphis after three years of professional

basketball in Poland, is expected to provide rebounding and size. Cezary will test

his skills immediately in the Rocky Mountain Revue. (You can watch the

new-look Grizzlies play the Chicago Bulls on ESPN Thursday, July 25th, at 7p.m.)

West believes the new mix can only benefit the team. “I’ve always felt that

competition brings out the best in all players,

and we’re gonna have some very competitive times in our training camp,” he says.

“It really remains to be seen who’s going to win those minutes, but it wouldn’t

surprise me if this kid Gooden would get an opportunity to play more minutes than

any other rookie in the league.”