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Is it that satire has gotten SO good, or is it that journalism has gotten SO bad? What ever the case may be, in many ways it’s getting harder and harder to separate fact from fiction. Consider an article from last week’s Playbook titled, Members of 7 $ Sox think band’s creation was fated.” We haven’t even gotten to the story and already it sounds like something ripped off from The Onion. But wait, there’s more. According to the article, the band was “a lot into the shorts, long socks, T-shirts, and sideways hat[s].” Amazingly enough, when the new bass player showed up, “he came out wearing a sideways hat,” lead ing 7 $ Sox to believe there was some cosmic force guiding their future. Dude, it’s not like you can find a guy in a T-shirt and a sideways hat just anywhere, you know.