We Recommend We Recommend

wednesday, 9

If you are one of them there liberals who are in favor of peace and love instead of killing children over weapons of mass destruction that don t exist, then by all means be at Overton Park Shell today for Music for the Masses, an event for Pastors for Peace, an international group dedicated to helping the oppressed that is passing through Memphis on its 6th trip to deliver humanitarian aid to Cuba. There s a Cakewalk for Peace, kids activities, a decorate the Pastors for Peace bus party, and live music by Roger Houston, Snowglobe, Plywood Doghouse, The Visionaires, Thingamajig, Hedgecreep, The Gabe & Amy Show, Chopper Girl, and other specials guests. And there you have it. As always, I really don t care what you do this week, because I don t even know you, and unless you can get me the original photo of Saddam and Osama making whoopie in that tent in Pakistan, I feel sure I don t want to meet you. Besides, it s time for me to finish reading the WWW . It seems that a 5,463-pound man lost 2,000 pounds on some kind of wood-chopping diet and I must get the details.
