We Recommend We Recommend

saturday, 9

Tonight’s Scream Tour III at the Mid-South Coliseum features B2K, Mario, Marques Houston, Nick Cannon, DJ Jus, Jhene, and Aja. Tonight’s Memphis Jam Concert Series at Mud Island Amphitheater features Tonic, Tantric, and the Clarks. The Brides of Jesus are at Young Avenue Deli. The band Venus Mission is at the Bottom Line. And last but certainly not least, at Murphy’s tonight there’s a big blow-out show by Wrecked ‘Em Records (you can just imagine the e-mail exchanges I have with the owner of this label) called “An Evening of Contemporary Punk Rawk Insanity” with The Pink Sexies from Knoxville, The Clutters from Nashville, and The Smacks from Lexington, Ky.