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thursday, 5

First of all, allow me to thank the woman who wrote that letter to the editor last week telling me to let it go. I assume she was referring to my rehashing in a recent column the fact that the Liar lost the presidential election in 2000 to Al Gore by more than half a million popular votes but still was handed the job by the U.S. Supreme Court for reasons we will never really know. It is indeed a hard to one to let go, but she is right. I am even sick of myself going on and on and on about it, because there s nothing that can be done to reverse it, other than everyone realizing how important it is to vote against him in the next election. So thanks, writer. I agree with you and I m glad you lit a little fire under me on that topic. I will let it go and move on to other, more important things. Like whether or not Justin Timberlake ripping a piece of Janet Jackson s clothing off during the Super Bowl halftime show, thus exposing her naked breast in front of millions of viewers, was an accident or a publicity stunt to land her waning career back in the limelight. Obviously, the nation is in crisis over this, given the fact that it is receiving as much, if not more, media coverage than the fact that we went to war in Iraq based on a pack of lies and that the Bush administration is stonewalling a non-partisan inquiry into the events surrounding the 9/11 terrorist attacks because they know the truth is going to be very embarrassing. I would love to see him address the families of the people killed at the World Trade Center and explain to them why he and his administration are refusing to cooperate in the investigation that s aimed at getting to the truth. But I guess the heat is off for a few days. Yep, Janet and Justin must be the Liar s best friends this week as they steal the media thunder for their halftime blunder. And I won t even go into what Janet and George W have in common in the way of the word boob. Not to mention the word halftime, which is about the best word I can think of to describe the amount of time the Liar puts in on his job, having taken more vacations in three years than pretty much any other president in history and during a time of war, no less, while more than 500 American soldiers have died while trying to protect their country from what they were told were Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Is the American public EVER going to embrace the fact that most of the only WMDs Saddam ever had and used to kill millions of people were supplied to him by the Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations, which sat idly by as he carried out the gassings and bombings of the Iranians and Kurds? Okay, okay. I know. I need to let it go. So instead of harping on his stealing the presidency and lying and such, let s talk about another stolen game, that of the Grizzlies vs. the Detroit Pistons last weekend, in which the referees called a foul on Pao Gasol at the last minute, handing over the game to Detroit by sending them to the free throw line to score two points, when, in fact, Pao did not foul the guy at all but instead blocked his shot without touching him. On whose payroll are these referees? This happens to us all the time. They are out to get us. They are LIARS! If we can t demand a recount of the eerily sick Florida election that ended up sending us into this war, can t we at least get a re-match against Detroit and have a fair game? Oh well, I guess I d better let that one go too, because it s not going to happen. Someday when I run the world, things will be different. In the meantime, forget that scary thought and take a look at some of what s going on around town this week. Tonight, the Israeli blues band SOBO is at the Glass Onion. And Billy Jo Shaver is at the Hi-Tone.