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sunday 15

Today s Soul Music Jam in Martin Luther King Park, That s My Piece 4 Peace, features performances by Phu Cha and The Potlikor Band, Men-Nefer, and Iron Mic Coalition. Today s French Film Festival feature at The Dixon Gallery and Gardens is Les DestinÇes, an epic of one man s life and love. At First Congregational Church, there s a showing today of You Can t Be Neutral on a Moving Train, a documentary featuring Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky. Susan Marshall is Honeymouth is at the Blue Monkey Midtown. And if you haven t yet experienced The Jumpin Chi-Chi s,/b>, catch them tonight at Huey s Poplar. You won t be disappointed. Oh, and tonight is, of course, the night of the Elvis Week Candlelight Vigil.