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thursday, 9

Ah ha. Now here s a little known news story that barely made it into the papers during the GOP convention in New York last week. While there was a distinct lack of lack of racial diversity at the elephant fest and no, don t say there was, because this was a show of mean, mean old white men, and that s all there is to it someone got smart and sent those beautiful, smart Bush twins out on the road campaigning with a rabbi and a representative from the American Hindu Association. I don t know why this didn t get more coverage. Especially when their bus broke down. Yeah, they were in a rural county in the battleground state of Missouri when this happened and had to approach a farm house for help late at night. When they asked if they could all spend the night there, the farmer told them they were more than welcome, but that he only had two extra beds and that one of them would have to stay in the barn. The rabbi quickly offered to sleep in the barn and everyone settled in. But about an hour later, the rabbi knocked on the door and said to the farmer, I am so very sorry, but I just cannot sleep in the same space with a pig. It s just my religion, you know? So the Hindu man quickly offered to give the rabbi his bed and sleep in the barn. Well, as the news account goes, about an hour later the Hindu man knocked on the farmer s door, saying, Oh, I am so, so very sorry. It s just that I can t sleep in the same space with cow. For me, too, it s a matter of my religion. The Bush girls, Barbara and Jenna, heard this and begrudgingly offered to give him their bed and headed out to sleep in the barn. About one minute later, the farmer heard the knock on the door. Wondering what the hell was up this time, he answered the door. It was the pig and the cow. AAAAAAAAA ahahaha. Okay, so I am working at the level of a third-grader here. So what? Nothing could be any worse than the speech those little redneck brats tried to deliver at the white man-fest in New York last week. I loved it when the girls said that after graduating college, they were going to just goof off for four years like their dad. Did Michael Moore write their speech? And how dare they say that about their illustrious diddy? I know he s been on vacation more than any United States president in history, but he s working. Just a few months ago I mentioned on this page that he d been too lazy to take his mother s picture off of the one-dollar bill, but I see he s gotten busy and taken care of that. I saw her face on a box of Quaker Oats just the other day, looking just as jolly as ever. And whoever finally gave W. something to slick down the fuzz on his little head needs to tell Laura that The Joker look is not working this season. Yes, she did a decent job of reading the monitor while delivering that cover-all-the-bases speech someone wrote for her and made it seem like every horrible thing her husband has done was the right thing to do, but she still came off as just a wee bit smarmy like the rest of her clan. Oops! Did I say, clan? I feel certain, for some reason, that the Bush family still has slaves tucked away somewhere on that ranch in Crawford, Texas. Oh, sure. They trot out Condi and Colin now and then, but I still say those daughters have lifted waaay more beers than they have a finger to do any work. And God love em for being drunks. If they would just not be so mean to their Secret Service people and would stop sticking their tongues out at news crews, they might someday be remotely likeable. In the meantime, a brief look at some of what s going on around town this week. Tonight, the only place to be is at the Stax Museum of American Soul Music for a closing reception (6-8 p.m.) for The Beatles! Backstage and Behind the Scenes. The exhibit leaves on the 13th for Milan, Italy, and tonight s throw-down includes live music by the David Brookings Band along with food and drinks. After that, stop by the Blue Monkey Midtown for those wild and wacky Jumpin Chi-Chi s.