News News Feature


“I am still trying to maintain a vegan diet. This is probably the worst place in the world to do that.” — a first-person commentary from the Flyer‘s former editor (only three days after having extensive surgery for a brain tumor!)

“High station in life is earned by the gallantry with which appalling experiences are survived with grace.” — Tennessee Williams

Saturday August 11, 2001

After spending 48 hours in intensive care, I am still weak and groggy, but feel better and am now staying on the fourth floor Neuro Ward. My doctor doesn’t think that I should have visitors outside of family for a few more days.

Perveen is at the laptop here in the hospital (and as some of you might imagine, I am being a terrible backseat driver). She just read to me the many emails you have sent to me in the last few days. They were better than the codeine shots!

Have something funny to tell you all about how I did visualization before the surgery and how I tried to bring you all into the surgery with me. But I am too tired to dictate it right now. Something to look forward to.

On Monday Drs Schwartzberg and Friedman will discuss the next step with me. Dr Friedman says that my recovery is progressing well, it just takes time. I am not in great pain and I have no new neurological deficits. I started on solid food (such as it is) today. I am still trying to maintain a vegan diet. This is probably the worst place in the world to do that.

I still have my positive attitude and look forward to getting out sometime next week. Will keep you posted. Look forward to your emails.

All the best,


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