News News Feature


(based on a combination of tests over a three-year period)

The following schools have been put “on notice” by the state Education Department as falling short of standard on the basis of a complex evaluation scheme involving three years’ performance. Of the 98, 64 are from the Memphis city system.

1. Campbell Stony Fork

2. Claiborne Clairfield Elementary

3. Davidson East Middle School

4. Davidson Kirkpatrick Elementary

5. Davidson Maplewood High School

6. Davidson Pearl Cohn High School

7. Davidson Shwab Elementary

8. Davidson Stratford High School

9. Davidson Warner Elementary

10. Davidson West End Middle

11. Davidson Whites Creek Comprehensive High

12. Fayette Fayette Ware

13. Fayette Jefferson Elementary

14. Fayette Northwest Elementary

15. Fayette Somerville Elementary

16. Fayette Southwest Elementary

17. Hamilton Calvin Donaldson Elementary

18. Hamilton Chattanooga Middle

19. Hamilton Dalewood Middle

20. Hamilton East Lake Elementary

21. Hamilton Hardy Elementary

22. Hamilton Howard Elementary

23. Hamilton Howard School Academics and Technology

24. Hamilton John P Franklin Middle

25. Hamilton Orchard Knob Elementary

26. Hamilton Orchard Knob Middle

27. Hamilton Woodmore Elementary

28. Hardeman Grand Junction Elementary

29. Hawkins Clinch School

30. Knox Lonsdale Elementary

31. Knox Maynard Elementary

32. Knox Sarah M Greene Elementary

33. Memphis Airways Middle

34. Memphis Booker T. Washington High

35. Memphis Brookmeade Elementary

36. Memphis Carver High

37. Memphis Chickasaw JHS

38. Memphis Corning Elementary

39. Memphis Cypress JHS

40. Memphis Denver Elementary

41. Memphis Dunbar Elementary

42. Memphis East High

43. Memphis Fairley Elementary

44. Memphis Fairley High

45. Memphis Fairview Jr High

46. Memphis Frayser Elementary

47. Memphis Frayser High

48. Memphis Geeter Middle

49. Memphis Georgian Hills Elementary

50. Memphis Georgian Hills JHS

51. Memphis Graceland Elementary

52. Memphis Hamilton High

53. Memphis Hamilton Middle

54. Memphis Hawkins Mill Elementary

55. Memphis Hillcrest High

56. Memphis Hollywood Elementary

57. Memphis Humes Middle

58. Memphis Kingsbury High

59. Memphis Lanier JHS

60. Memphis Larose Elementary

61. Memphis Lester Elementary School

62. Memphis Levi Elementary

63. Memphis Lincoln Elementary

64. Memphis Locke Elementary

65. Memphis Longview Middle School

66. Memphis Manassas High

67. Memphis Melrose High

68. Memphis Middle College High School

69. Memphis Mitchell Road High

70. Memphis Northside High

71. Memphis Oakhaven High

72. Memphis Orleans Elementary

73. Memphis Raineshaven Elementary

74. Memphis Raleigh Egypt High

75. Memphis Raleigh Egypt Middle

76. Memphis Riverview Middle

77. Memphis Shannon Elementary

78. Memphis Sharpe Elementary

79. Memphis Sheffield Elementary

80. Memphis Sheffield High

81. Memphis Sherwood Middle

82. Memphis South Side High

83. Memphis Spring Hill Elementary

84. Memphis Springdale Elementary

85. Memphis Treadwell Elementary

86. Memphis Treadwell High

87. Memphis Trezevant High

88. Memphis Vance Middle

89. Memphis Westhaven Elementary

90. Memphis Westside High

91. Memphis Westwood Elementary

92. Memphis Westwood High

93. Memphis Whitehaven High

94. Memphis Whitney Elementary

95. Memphis Winchester Elementary

96. Memphis Wooddale High

97. Perry Perry County High

98. Rutherford Holloway High School

Schools-on-Notice by School System:

Campbell, 1

Claiborne, 1

Davidson, 9

Fayette, 5

Hamilton, 11

Hardeman, 1

Hawkins, 1

Knox, 3

Memphis, 64

Perry, 1

Rutherford, 1