[TEXT AS WRITTEN]Since 1999 when I first ran for Memphis City Mayor I HAVE PROMOTED and introduced the lightprail system for Memphis/Shelby county. In your recent article Election 2002: Who’s On First your comment was “the black contractor C.J. Cochran, who wore a cowboy hat to forums and proposed some intriguing (if impractical ideas), like a countywide light-rail system”…Where is it that Barbara Swearengen Holt think she got this rail system from… It needs to be told straight because it has been used on my literature in each election 1999 and 2002… The people at the forms hear it and know the it was not Holt that started this… Nor was it Willie that started the consolidation issue… Secrets and Lies is this what it is about… You can be the first to know that I will be back next year and challenge the people for the Memphis Mayors job and displace big dumb educationally derelict Willie Herenton.