News News Feature


With its recent change in ownership, back in April, the Hi-Tone Café in Midtown has been serving up an increasingly eclectic entertainment menu of late.

With its recent change in ownership, back in April, the Hi-Tone Café in Midtown has been serving up an increasingly eclectic entertainment menu of late.

From week to week, and with a thumbs up from Jenn, their offerings are straying beyond any one definition of cool, so to speak. I’d say that’s a good sign–a healthy city needs venues that incorporate a variety of creativity, and a good club should do just that.

This coming Sunday, that shift will lean towards the metal side with a double-bill including Jersey’s Dillenger Escape Plan and Atlanta’s Mastodon. YES!

If you like your music brash, aggressive and bad ass, then you have absolutely no excuse not to be there.

Besides, um, it’s a Sunday night. What else do you have to do, watch TV? The Simpsons are a rerun this week.

Ever since I first heard Mastodon, I’ve been a huge fan, in case you care. Sometimes, metal can fall on the cacophonous side, which for me is absolutely fine. If that’s intimidating to you, though, rest assured.

Mastodon is as heavy as they are rhythmic.

Composed of ex-members of Today is the Day, Lethargy and Social Infestation, the quartet puts on a live show that puts this relatively new band in the running to blow away many of their contemporaries. Much of this can be credited to their drummer, Brann Dailor, who is probably one of the best live drummers I’ve ever seen.

Mastodon is opening the show for The Dillenger Escape Plan. This Jersey quartet combine metal and hardcore to a blistering effect, and boast a collaboration with the now ubiquitous Mike Patton of Faith No More fame on their most recent album, entitled Irony is a Dead Scene. And isn’t it though?

I think we can blame Alanis Morissette for the death of irony. Damn her.

Anyhow, another bonus as far as The Dillenger Escape Plan is concerned is that they’ve got a song called The Mullet Burden. (I’m building a case here…are you swayed yet?)

If you haven’t heard of these bands, there are tracks all over the Internet, so sample it and then go. I’d check out the Relapse Records label website to start.

Well, I guess that’s enough biased promotion for today. Keep this in mind though–if you stay home to watch the Hollywood Christmas Spectacular instead of catching this show, I’ll be very disappointed in you.