News News Feature


City employees have confirmed that Darrell Eldred, Mayor Willie Herenton’s rejected nominee for the position of general services director, has resigned effective Friday, January 9.

City employees have confirmed that Darrell Eldred, Mayor Willie Herenton’s rejectewd nominee for the position of general services director, has resigned effective Friday, January 9.

In a appointment hearing before the city council Tuesday, Eldred was grilled about malfeasance in the general services division, as well as two possible instances of using racial slurs. The deputy director of the division, Eldred told the council he had never had a complaint against him until he and former division director Rodney Eder started an investigation into wrongdoing at the division last year.

Not all council members were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Tajuan Stout Mitchell started to say she appreciated Eldred’s 17 years of service with the city, but then changed her mind and said that she “acknowledged” his time with the city.

Eldred could not be reached for comment.