Art Art Feature


Where’s Willie? focuses on the potential 2007 rivals.

GLEESOME THREESOME– At the center of most of the action in Saturday night’s Gridiron show, Where’s Willie?, at the Al Chymia Shrine Temple were these gifted cabaret players: (l to r) Terry Reeves, here playing the Grizzlies’ Pau Casol; James Harvey, doing his annual turn as Mayor Willie Herenton; and Dare Pugh as ambitious city council member Carol Chumney. Harvey, who recently finished an impressive second in a state Senate race, may be a mayoral candidate for real in 2007, but first he intends to run for the county commission. Pugh has no known political ambitions, but the character she played certainly does, and the lalvish attention Chumney got in Saturday night’s annual satirical review, for better or for worse, amounted to a de facto launch of her own 2007 mayoral run. Proceeds from this year’s event went, as usual, to fund journalism scholarships. (Longer review to follow.)

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