Cover Feature News

Annual Manual 2006

The holidays are over — New Year’s, Hanukkah, Kwaanza, even that obscure Christian celebration, Christmas (though it’s hard to say how much longer Christmas will survive, given the relentless efforts of godless liberals to destroy it). I, for one, hardly noticed it this year.

But enough of that. A new year is upon us. A year, like all years, with potential for wisdom, greatness, silliness, terror, tragedy, heartbreak, triumph … indigestion. (My first and only prediction: June 6th will be a day of great interest: 6/6/6. Can you say, “Satan,” boys and girls? Stay tuned to Fox News for details and hype.)

But enough of that. The first week of the new year is also host to a Flyer tradition: It’s when we publish the Annual Manual, our comprehensive guide to the city on the bluffs. As usual, it’s jam-packed with facts, figures, listings, and some good writing from our staffers. We hope you enjoy it. And we’ll see you next week with our first regular issue of 2006. Can’t wait.