Sports Sports Feature

Little Big Man

While Cinderellas like Bradley and George Mason got most of the press attention in the aftermath of this weekend’s NCAA Men’s Basketball ball, Pat Forde,’s top college-basketball guru, found time last night to devote his on-line wrap-up column to saluting U of M backup point guard Andre Allen, whose two stellar performances turned a lot of heads in Dallas. “The little man absolutely lacks fear,” noted Forde, “which is a key ingredient on the grand stage of March.” Here’s the link.

Little Big Man

While Cinderellas like Bradley and George Mason got most of the press attention in the aftermath of this weekend’s NCAA Men’s Basketball ball, Pat Forde,’s top college-basketball guru, found time last night to devote his on-line wrap-up column to saluting U of M backup point guard Andre Allen, whose two stellar performances turned a lot of heads in Dallas. “The little man absolutely lacks fear,” noted Forde, “which is a key ingredient on the grand stage of March.”

Here’s the link: