
“4796 Days on Death Row”

Los Angeles City Beat’s cover story this week revisits the case of the West Memphis 3 — Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley. The three have been incarcerated in Arkansas since their 1994 convictions for murdering three young boys. Since their convictions, several HBO documentaries and a growing nationwide network of WM3 supporters have highlighted the dubious circumstances of the investigation, interrogation, and subsequent trials. To read this provocative reappraisal of the case, go here.

Los Angeles City Beat’s cover story this week revisits the case of the West Memphis 3 — Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley. The three have been incarcerated in Arkansas since their 1994 convictions for murdering three young boys. Since their convictions, several HBO documentaries and a growing nationwide network of WM3 supporters have highlighted the dubious circumstances of the investigation, interrogation, and subsequent trials. To read this provocative reappraisal of the case, go here.