Politics Politics Feature

The Eagle Sours…er, Soars Again

“Civilian deaths in Iraq, ex-AG John Ashcroft is reported as saying, are the result of ‘Muslim-on-Muslim violence.'” To which The Gadfly, who returneth, saith: ‘Bird-Doo.’ Proceed to “Political Beat” for a fuller explanation. Therein also lies new info on the Ford brothers, a suspect city-tax collection deal, and more.

“Civilian deaths in Iraq, ex-AG John Ashcroft is reported as saying, are the result of ‘Muslim-on-Muslim violence.'” To which The Gadfly, who returneth, saith: ‘Bird-Doo.’ Proceed to “Political Beat” for a fuller explanation. Therein also lies new info on the Ford brothers, a suspect city-tax collection deal, and more.