I picked up a Flyer the other day and read about The Commercial Appeal‘s brilliant tactic of outsourcing its graphics department (The Fly-by, November 8th issue). Needless to say, I was both shocked and appalled. What is bothering me now is that the other news media (excepting the Flyer) have not picked up this story and made the public aware of the blatant disregard for the workers of our city by their “hometown newspaper.”
I urge you to use your influence and expertise to further spread the news. I only wish I were independently wealthy so I could afford to spend my time and money fighting this sort of corporate sabotage of the American workforce.
Thanks to you and the staff at the Memphis Flyer for keeping us informed.
Pat Dugan
Charley Reese wrote a great article on Iraq (Viewpoint, November 15th issue). He asked rhetorically about why we went into Iraq to begin with. It’s my opinion that the first President Bush had a reason to go into Iraq, but the current President Bush is the one who got to execute the plan.
Saddam Hussein let it slip prior to Desert Storm that he had a contract out to assassinate George H.W. Bush. It was reported that Bush 41 wanted to go into Baghdad at the end of Desert Storm to get rid of the “Baghdad bullies,” but wiser heads prevailed.
The current President Bush, in my opinion, used 9/11 as an excuse to hide his real intentions and used fear to leverage Congress to go into Iraq. The press, the American public, and (some) of our allies bought it hook, line, and sinker. It’s well-documented that al-Qaeda did not exist in Iraq prior to our troops overthrowing Saddam. This scenario is the only thing that makes sense to me.
Mike Crockett
“Jail Cred”
As a native and former Memphian, I marvel at the existence of “jail cred” as a political asset. Should we expect that Rickey Peete will be a candidate for mayor when he’s released 51 months from now?
Memphis has always been divided into two distinct worlds — black and white. Since the early 1970s, the white power structure has done a great deal to undermine public education, a thinly veiled tool of a racist agenda. The results are now coming home to roost in violent and petty crimes throughout the enclaves of formerly secure East Memphis. The crime wave is a product of the now-pathetic public education system and a lack of integrity in the spiritual leadership of the black community.
Some leaders in the black community share the blame for being apologists for habitual criminals such as Peete and promoting his shameful brand of leadership. Peete was predictably reelected in 1995 after gaining jail cred. Can you believe he did the same things all over again on a grander scale?
The downside of liberalism is protecting the wrong people for the wrong reasons. Unions sometimes protect bad workers, thereby undermining their own integrity. Peete was protected and defended by black leaders only because he was a black leader.
Be that as it may, the downside of liberalism has done far less damage to the fabric of American culture and politics than has the downside of conservatism. Ronald Reagan revived racism in America when he kicked off his 1980 campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi, by pandering to the “states’ rights” crowd. As a result, black spiritual and political leaders felt embattled all over again and closed ranks to protect all black leaders — good and bad.
H. Scott Prosterman
Berkeley, California
Memphis is Home
Bruce VanWyngarden’s remarks about Memphis in response to the letter from Houston (Editor’s Column, November 15th issue) touched me so much that I had to write. They were beautifully written.
I have lived in Memphis all my life, except for six years in Italy. I couldn’t wait to come home. My son has traveled all over the country — from the West Coast to the East, from north to south — and has been in Italy, Mexico, and Canada. Once, he couldn’t wait to be old enough to leave this city. Now, he’s proud to call Memphis his home. Thank you for such astute comment.
Barbara LoSicco