Politics Politics Feature

Obama Won’t Be in Memphis on Monday. Hillary Surrogates Blanket State on Sunday

An earlier unconfirmed report that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama might visit Memphis on Monday, February 4, has now been discounted by the Memphis Center for Independent Living, which circulated the original report on its Web site and via voice mails to its clients and volunteers.

Meanwhile, on the Hillary front …

An earlier unconfirmed report that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama might visit Memphis on Monday, February 4, has now been discounted by the Memphis Center for Independent Living, which circulated the original report on its Web site and via voice mails to its clients and volunteers.

The Center hopes, however, to have a representative of the senator’s campaign available at the Center’s Madison Avenue facilities at the originally reported 3 p.m. time for discussion of issues relating to the disabled.

Meanwhile, Obama’s primary opponent, New York Senator Hilary Clinton, will be served by a variety of surrogates in all of Tennessee’s major cities on Sunday. Texas congresswoman Shirley Jackson Lee will be appearing at Clinton headquarters at 3475 Poplar at 3 p.m.

Lee and former Iowa governor Tom Vilsack will have appeared earlier in the Tri-Cities area of northeast Tennessee, and Vilsack will also campaign in Knoxville. In Nashville, the state capital, Senator Clinton’s daughter Chelsea will do the honors.

–Jackson Baker