Wow. I guess I haven’t been paying much attention to much. I’ve just read some articles (and responses to them) about Reverend Jeremiah Wright and his relationship to Barack Obama and some of the comments the reverend has made and how outraged people are and how the world is now about to come to an end because of it. Welcome, once again, to the United States of America. Land of the media frenzy and home of the media frenzy. And might I say to all of the hand-wringers who have posted the thousands of comments about Barack Obama’s “judgement” regarding this: That the word is spelled j-u-d-g-m-e-n-t. I have never seen so many grammatical errors and misspelled words in my life than in the comments posted on news and blog sites. Who gives a rat’s ass what you think about Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton or Jeremiah Wright or anyone else if you can’t even spell the word “judgment”? And if you think racism in America is any less rampant than it used to be, all you have to do is read these comments — in response, in this case, to an article about Wright and Obama that appeared in the Los Angeles Times the other day. Half of the people who chimed in seem totally shocked that an African-American minister would feel anger against white America. And my favorite of all is the notion that if Obama were a Muslim, we would all instantly perish if he won the presidency. So what if he happened to be a Muslim? I hope he wins the presidency and turns out to be a Muslim. ANYTHING would be better than what we have now — a pitiful excuse for a human being who donned an oversized cowboy hat and sang a ridiculously stupid song at a fund-raiser just days after vetoing a bill to limit the torture of people “suspected” of a crime. A bill, as I mentioned in this space recently, that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton didn’t bother to show up for and vote on. And a bill John McCain voted against. So no matter who among the candidates we get in the White House for the next four years, it’s just the lesser of evils. But then I guess I’m one of them damn left-wing liberals who doesn’t care about Amurka’s safety. And I must admit that one of the best things I’ve ever heard was when a friend of mine mentioned that they should “gravyboard” suspected terrorists in Mississippi when they pass the law prohibiting restaurants there from serving all-you-can-eat buffets. Yes, I have just generalized everyone in an entire state. Sue me. I was kidding. And speaking of which, you really should read that Los Angeles Times article and the comments posted and check out how serious the writers are. Here’s one by a person who goes by the cyber name “America The Beautiful”: “Obama knew his pastor and used his sermon to write his book. He has got to be kidding. Reverend Wright was involved with Louis Farrakhan and who knows how many other radical leaders. For Obama to address the American people and say that he didn’t know that Wright had sermons about race and the hate that he has for our country is absurd. Shame on the media for not bringing this to the forefront. The media should harp on this news. Why would Obama admit that he thinks the way the pastor speaks to his congregation? It’s a disgrace. This is VERY SERIOUS. No American should make light of this. Wake up media! Wake up America!” Please. If this whacko thinks the media ISN’T jumping all over this, he needs to either take some drugs or stop taking so many. I feel certain this person has wallpaper borders with pastel-colored geese on it and has several American flag motifs on his house and a “W” sticker on his car. Guess what, America The Beautiful? I am making light of this. I do not take this seriously. I think the media should forget about it and focus on the reasons so many people are losing their homes and the reasons the rest of the world views us as absurd clowns. I’m surprised they haven’t focused more on John McCain having an affair behind the back of his disabled wife and divorcing her and marrying someone much younger and prettier. That’s usually the kind of thing they hang their headlines on. But I don’t even care about that. I just want my tax rebate check to come in the mail because that will be one tiny amount of United States money that I know won’t be used to build a giant fence across the border.