Politics Politics Feature

Flyer Exposé! Nashville Mayor and Memphis Businessman Are the Same Man!

Tuesday night sees the second presidential debate in Nashville, and it presents an opportunity to test a thesis involving two prominent political figures. Are Memphis political broker/businessman “Karl Schledwitz” and Nashville mayor “Karl Dean” the same man?

Will both of them appear in the same place at the same time to disprove that theory?

We have done an exhaustive study of the issue (as witness the accompanying collection of mugshots), and, unless the two “Karls” appear together, we will maintain our suspicions.

Tuesday night sees the second presidential debate in Nashville, and it presents an opportunity to test a thesis involving two prominent political figures. Are Memphis political broker/businessman “Karl Schledwitz” and Nashville mayor “Karl Dean” in reality one and the same man?

Will both of them appear in the same place at the same time to disprove that theory?

We have done an exhaustive study of the issue (as witness the accompanying collection of mugshots), and, unless the two “Karls” appear together, we will maintain our suspicions.

Readers, what think ye? Which of the Karls is which?