Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Commercial Appeal Mistakes Memphis Band Lucero for Mexican Entertainer — DAMMIT

Whoa! It’s totally like we’re seeing double.

Everybody makes mistakes, even your pesky Fly on the Wall. But the particular mistake I’m highlighting here makes me think it’s time to abandon any faint shreds of almost certainly false hope we may have harbored that whatever’s wrong at the Gannett-owned Commercial Appeal will work itself out.

When the bot and/or out-of-towner editing Memphis’ daily paper can’t distinguish between Lucero the Mexican entertainer and Lucero the enormously popular Memphis band, there’s a problem. When said bot and/or out-of-towner turns to a general image search instead of scanning the local paper’s own archives, it’s really bad.

The error was made announcing the lineup for the Mempho Music Festival