Politics Politics Feature

You Go, Girl! Representative Camper Does “Money, Honey,” Elvis-Style

Somebody had to think this up sooner or later. Invitees to Memphis state Representative Karen Camper’s forthcoming January 8 fund-raiser (in the King’s birthday week) are advised that it is an “Elvis Night In” affair — apparently meaning that it takes place in cyberspace, since no location is mentioned. Or, as she puts it in the emailed invitation: You get to participate in this fund-raiser by “staying at home’ and enjoying Elvis (her bolds).” You can take the jump at “read more” for her suggestions as to how to do that. And, oh yes, there’s a “Return to Sender” RSVP e-mail address included.

Somebody had to think this up sooner or later. Invitees to Memphis state Representative Karen Camper’s forthcoming January 8th fund-raiser (in the King’s birthday week) are advised that it is an “Elvis Night In” affair — apparently meaning that it takes place in cyberspace, since no location is mentioned.

Or, as she puts it in the e-mailed invitation: You get to participate in this fund-raiser by “staying at home’ and enjoying Elvis (her bolds).”

Camper makes the following suggestions to donors: “$100—Dance the night away in your ‘Blue Suede Shoes;’ $250—Serenade your love one with your personal rendition of ‘Love Me Tender;’ $500 — Watch your favorite Elvis Movie; $1000 — You decide (cook dinner, play cards, read a book, totally up to you) ‘My Way.’

Oh yes, there’s a “Return to Sender” RSVP e-mail address included.