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Douthit-Sanchez Pontiac

f724/1242007159-douthit-sanchezpontiac.jpg Nowadays, Memphians in search of a new or used car have their choice of about a billion vehicles for sale on Covington Pike, or they can visit other fine dealerships on Stage Road, Poplar, Mt. Moriah, Mendenhall, and other locations throughout the county. But in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, Union Avenue was Automobile Row, and one of the nicest establishments along that row was Douthit-Sanchez Pontiac.

Troy Douthit and Belmont Sanchez must have been terrific businessmen. Just a few months after they opened their automobile dealership at 1011 Union, America was thrust into World War II. Not many people seem aware of this, but you simply could not purchase a brand-new car from 1942 through 1945 in this country, as every aspect of Detroit car production was diverted to produce tanks, bombers, and other equipment needed for the war effort.

In the meantime, Douthit-Sanchez managed to survive by selling used vehicles, and by 1956, when this photo was taken of their elaborate showroom, not only were they bragging in their ads that they were “Memphis’ Oldest Pontiac Dealer,” but — according to the huge signs painted in the window — they were even able to give away a FREE car to customers who won the “Lucky Key” contest.