Well, it looks like the David Lee-Zach Randolph question within the organization has resolved itself in the form of the lower-risk financially and higher-risk on the court and in the locker room route of Zach Randolph.
The L.A. Times‘ Mark Heisler is reporting tonight that the Grizzlies and Clippers have agreed to a deal that would exchange Zach Randolph for Quentin Richardson. The Times says the deal won’t be consummated until next week. I haven’t been able to confirm the deal, but I presume it’s true as this is the direction the team seemed to be heading in following Ric Bucher’s report of Michael Heisley objecting to giving an offer-sheet to David Lee.
I’m facing deadlines with non-Griz work tomorrow and won’t be able to get into this heavily for probably a couple of days, but some quick reactions and questions: