Memphis Gaydar News

MGLCC To Hold Annual Elections

For over 20 years, the Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center (MGLCC) has provided a hub for local LGBT folks to host meetings, get-togethers, live music events, and support groups. On Sunday, July 26th at 4 p.m., president Will Batts will deliver the MGLCC’s annual state-of-center report.


“We’ll discuss the past twelve months — what went right and what didn’t go right,” says Batts. “We’ll also discuss our plans and focus for the next twelve months and beyond.”

The meeting is open to everyone, but those who have been members for at least 90 days will be eligible to vote for new board members at the meeting.

Officer candidates include Heidi Cranford Williams (president), Len Piechowski (vice president of administration), Elokin CaPece (vice president of programs), Tom Crutcher (treasurer), and Darlene Fike (secretary).

Director candidates include Marian Bacon, Marc Brown, Kenan Gilmore, Matthew Malone, Mickey Maxwell, and Susana Rodas.

In addition, nominations from the floor will be accepted provided that the nominee meets the qualifications as stated in the MGLCC by-laws.