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Ping-Pong Diplomacy Comes to the City Council!

On eve of council reorganization, Strickland and Collins come to the table to settle things.

With the Memphis City Council preparing to reorganize this week, what better means of resolving the council pecking order could there be than some organized mano-a-mano like…er, ping pong?

In any case, Saturday night found current council chairman Harold Collins facing a challenge from colleague Jim Strickland. Strickland himself does not aspire to the chairmanship but has been known to cross swords with Collins on some issues and to have worked hand-in-glove with him on others. The outcome of their set-to Saturday night could well affect the balance of power.

As of Saturday night, there were rumors — taken seriously by Collins — that Myron Lowery, the former chairman who yielded the position to Collins when Lowery became acting mayor at the end of July, might want the job back now that his interim mayoral tenure is over. Lowery, however, did not compete in Strickland’s garage Saturday night.

In any case, and whatever its import, the suspenseful Strickland-Collins match went down to the wire.

Commentators’ voices on this video are those of Ed Ford Jr., and Jackson Baker. The score as given is shorthand (i.e., the video begins late in the game and a score of “eight,” say, actually means 18. It saves breath to call it out that way. Or something. Quite the opposite of the prolix commentaries heard in your average city council meeting.)

For best effect, watch match in full screen mode.