About “Square Squabble” and the ongoing debate about Overton
Square development, by Chris Davis:
“The facade at the new Chick-Fil-A is what makes Midtown more cool
than the rest of city. As for Overton Square … the south side of
Madison definitely needs to be invested in, but invested in and razed
are two different things entirely.” — mad merc
About “Memphis Tigers 92, Tennessee Tech 59,” by Frank
“Could it be? That getting rid of Coach Cal was an UPGRADE? Hope
Kentucky goes 15-18, or thereabouts. No hard feelings, Cal. You just
deserve it!”
— Tennessee Waltzer
About “Radical Gay Anarchist Group Denies Billboard Destruction,”
by Bianca Phillips:
“Reading that website was like drinking a week-old bottle of someone
else’s vomit. Please don’t ever link to anything like that ever again.”
— autoegocrat
About “When Sports Is Better Than Sex,” by John Branston:
“Can you write about curling next? The 99.9999 percent of Memphians
who have never played it, or seen it played, are dying from
anticipation.” — 38103
Comment of the Week:
About “Chicago BBQ Better Than Memphis BBQ?” by Susan Ellis:
“Chicago!?! How incredibly bizarre. It’s like discovering Burl
Ives was an atheist.” — Phlo