News The Fly-By

Ghost Town

If it weren’t for the gang graffiti and pavement, the boarded-up
apartments hidden behind the intersection of Poplar and Cleveland would
look a little like a Gold Rush-era ghost town.

Residents of more than 30 single-family homes and apartment
buildings, mostly two- and three-story brick structures between Poplar,
Court, Cleveland, and McNeil, were cleared out in 2007 to make way for
a proposed 26-acre development promising big box retailers. There were
rumors that Target might be interested in building a Midtown store at
the site.

But not much has happened with the proposal by Florida-based WSG
Development since October 2008, when the Memphis City Council approved
the development.

At the time, the developers told the council the project would bring
upscale residences, retail, office space, hotels, and restaurants to
the area. Demolition of the apartments was supposed to begin this past
spring, but so far no action has been taken.

Multiple calls to WSG Development’s local representative and its
Florida office were not returned by press time.

Mary Baker, deputy director of land use control with the city Office
of Planning and Development, said WSG plans to file for extensions on
proposed street and alley closures in the neighborhood.

“They do plan, if they haven’t already, to file for extensions on
those closures,” Baker said. “Other than that, we don’t have a lot of

In 2007, WSG spent nearly $12 million to buy 76 parcels in the area
and took out a $14 million construction loan through Lehman Brothers
Holdings, Inc. Lehman Brothers then declared bankruptcy in late 2008
when the economy collapsed across the country.

The area near Poplar and Cleveland was once home to a community of
Vietnamese and Mexican immigrants who were forced from their homes
after the developers purchased the property.

“It’s hideous walking or driving through there,” said Peter Gathje,
who manages the Manna House, a hospitality house for the homeless, a
few block away on Jefferson. “They were in such a big hurry to get
everyone out, and now the buildings sit there, slowly decaying. I think
it’s pretty frustrating for the folks who used to live in the area.
They got pushed out for no reason.”

Over the past year, fire has destroyed one of the apartment
buildings, and Gathje says he’s noticed an increase in police

“Initially, it was common to hear about people squatting in those
buildings, but I’m not hearing that much anymore. I’m sure it’s because
of the increased police presence,” Gathje said. “Police have to spend
more time in that area as a deterrent. It seems like a waste of

Gathje says he’d rather WSG build low- and mixed-income housing in
the area, rather than more retail stores.

“Why does the world need one more Target?” Gathje said. “That area
has been residential, and I think it’d be better to keep it that

John Geaney, a spokesperson for Associated Catholic Charities, also
located on Jefferson, has a different view.

“We understand that the [proposed] development is going to be very
helpful to the neighborhood,” Geaney said. “We know it’s tough times,
but we do look forward to the project being completed.”