- Santa Smash
Let’s face it, even when the economy is healthy the most cheerful holiday revelers can feel a bit harried this time of year. Between the hangovers, the extra work both at home and at the office, and the inability to shop without being subjected to “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer,” it’s not difficult to understand why even the merriest among us might want to throttle an elf. That’s what makes artist Gadsby Creson’s planned performance so genius. On Saturday, December 12 at 3:00 p.m. anybody who feels like they just can’t take it anymore is invited to gather in the parking lot behind the P&H Cafe to break things. That’s right, to break things. All kinds of things.
Intrigued by Creson’s performance art Intermission Impossible asked if she’d like to play three questions. Here’s what she had to say…