
Overton Square Public Meeting Jan. 16th

I’ve just gotten word that a meeting between concerned citizens and the developers of Overton Square has been scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 16th, at 10 a.m. at the Memphis College of Art’s Callicott Auditorium.


They should be presenting the proposed site design with both the building elevations and the construction materials. There will also be a walking tour of the site Sunday, Jan. 17th, between 2 – 3 p.m. and a follow-up meeting for citizen comment Saturday, Jan. 23rd, at 10 a.m., also at MCA.

Last month, the owner of the site postponed a request before the City Council to demolish buildings on the south side Madison at Cooper. I wrote a blog post about that here, as well as a longer In the Bluff column here about what the controversy is about. I also mentioned it in this Anderton’s blog post.

On another note, I can’t go to the first meeting, so if anybody wants to play roving reporter and do a guest blog for In the Bluff, please feel free to volunteer. Only stipulations are, I probably can’t pay you and you have to use tons of dashes when you write it up. (Yes, that’s what those weird A things are some of you always see when reading this blog — dashes in disguise!)