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Fabulous Finds

Last week, the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art held Wined Through the Galleries: An Artful Scavenger Hunt.

Armed with glasses of wine and a map of the museum, teams scoured the galleries to find the answers to questions such as “Flutter by these creatures with wings to find a princess who whistles and sings. What is her name?” and “Find another object in this gallery where the location of its birth is written on its face. Where was it born?”

There was no chance we were winning that ^ so Justin and I held a scavenger hunt of our own.

First find? Brooks staffer Elisabeth Callihan.


She said that many of the things she was wearing were gifts: the boots she got for Christmas and her dad gave her that wonderful scarf.

This made me think that maybe she doesn’t like to shop, so I asked her about it.

“I like to,” she said, “but my credit cards don’t like it.”

Yep, we hear that.

But speaking of shopping, I especially liked the black, wood bangle Callihan is wearing. It’s simple, but because of the color and the material, has a nice heft to it. Turns out she got it in the museum’s store, which is another fabulous find in itself.