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WKNO-TV to Feature “Ask Vance” — Tune In!

Southern Routes Airs Thursday

  • “Southern Routes” Airs Thursday

After years of turning a deaf ear to movie directors, television executives, and purveyors of cheap pornography, I finally gave in to the persistent demands of WKNO-TV and will now make a regular appearance on their popular Southern Routes series.

It’s true! The first show airs on WKNO this Thursday, February 4th, at 8 pm.

So plop yourself in front of the television, set your TIVO, or just wander around the appliance section of your local Target store. If you still miss it, the show will repeat on Saturday, February 6th, at 2:30 pm and again on Sunday, February 7th at 12 noon. After that, well, I really can’t help you.

I won’t tell you what topic I’ll be discussing on the premiere episode; you’ll just have to watch. I guarantee you it will be a good show, since it’s produced by a super-talented gentleman named Kip Cole, and the “Ask Vance” segment (no, the whole show isn’t about me — not yet, anyway) will be produced by my pal Bonnie Kourvelas, who has produced and hosted many of WKNO’s wonderful Memphis Memoirs specials. If you saw “Beyond the Parkways” or “At the Movies” — well, that was some of her fine work, so I’m in good hands.

Don’t worry; I’m not leaving the world of magazines or blogs or books or calendars; I’m just spreading out a bit, that’s all.

Of course, this is only the first step. Next: Billboards, iTunes, and podcasts. I’m trying to get some of my colleagues to wear those old-timey sandwich boards — adorned with a stunning portrait of me, of course — and walk up and down the Main Street Mall. So far, no takers, even though I’ve offered them a fistful of nickels. How lazy can you be?

(And yes, that IS me on the TV screen in the photograph here. Don’t squint at the image; click to enlarge it, for goodness’ sake. Gosh, what a cute tyke! I think I was only 35 or so, singing in the school play.)