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Lost (Spoiler Alert)


Season Six of Lost premiers tonight at 8 p.m. on ABC. It’s the last season of Lost. Having recently completed watching for the first time every single episode within a single month (what my wife referred to as Lostuary), I feel full of foolish hubris that I should make some bold predictions about how it’s all gonna go down, be it tonight or throughout the coming months. (I’m so glad I waited to watch the show. The waits between weeks and seasons must’ve been interminable.) Lest the season embark without my predix, I present them here for posterity.

I could say “Spoiler Alert,” but unless you watch the show, you’re not going to have the first clue what I’m talking about. And please note that I don’t read stuff online about the show ever, because I don’t want to know anything in advance. So these theories are entirely my own and in no way informed by what might actually happen. They are, in fact, likely comically wrong.

I welcome all comments and discussion. Lost is on tonight! The excitement cannot be contained!

Last Lost List of Lust (Lest You Forget):