Cordelia’s Market in Harbor Town has made the decision to get rid of its plastic bags, effective today.
And, it’s having a party to celebrate!
Kroger announced last summer that it plans to do away with plastic bags by 2025. Last fall, the city council discussed plans to tax consumers for each plastic bag used. I believe Cordelia’s is the first Memphis-area market to do away with the bags.
“The environment,” says Erica Humphreys on the reason why Cordelia’s made this move.
Humphreys, who is a manager at Cordelia’s, says that plastic bags are just no good. They aren’t recyclable and it takes up to 1,000 years for a bag to fully degrade, and they junk up the ocean.
Humphreys says they had been thinking about it for a while and starting feeling out their customers’ reactions at the register. The ban was well received. Cordelia’s will offer paper bags for those who don’t bring a reusable bag.
Today at the market, 3,000 reusable bags will be given away and for those who bring their own mug, there’s free coffee, and discount beer for those who bring their own pint glass.