On “Reinventing Government”:
“Why consolidation??? How can you even ask that? Consolidation because *someone* has to think of the children, that’s why. Consolidation so that we can do our duty in this time of war against evil, and root out domestic dissent at home. Consolidation because Elvis would have wanted it that way, and Jesus does want it that way. … And in closing, I say to you that extremism in defense of Libertyland is no vice, while moderation in the pursuit of Bass Pro is no fur chew. Consolidation today, consolidation tomorrow, consolidation forever.” — Powergamz
About “Morning Bird Walk”:
“Why would The Memphis Flyer use a photo of a European Great Tit on an announcement for a north Mississippi bird walk? I’m sure the Audubon Society would be glad to furnish a photo of a native species.” — J.R. Wilson
[Editor’s Note: Because our readers prefer to see photos of Great Tits.]
About “Grudge Match” and the upcoming congressional showdown between Willie Herenton and Steve Cohen:
“If Green Bay wants a dilapidated roller coaster, District 9 constituents should dismantle Herenton’s Runaway Mine Train of an ego and ship it to them posthaste. Now there’s a ride that’ll leave our Midwestern comrades queasy and disoriented for years to come!” — Phlo
Comment of the Week:
About “Name the City” and coming up with a new name if we ever consolidate city/county governments:
“‘Lil’ Detroit.’ It has some of the same economic problems, and Fords have been big local players.” — pstd