
A Decent Proposal: Darrell Cobbins

A few weeks ago, I realized that many city and county residents really don’t know or understand what’s going on with the consolidation drive. Maybe it’s just that, as a community, we’ve talked about consolidation for so long that it seems like it will always be hypothetical.

But the talk right now is more than just talk; it comes with a vote November 2nd.

In light of that, we decided to do a cover treatment on consolidation. (It should be hitting the streets today and should be live on the website tomorrow.)

I’ll admit it’s kind of a tricky thing on consolidation right now. There’s not a lot of specifics to talk about, since the charter commission still has to write the new document. But if we don’t start talking about it now, a lot of people are going to be taken unaware on August 10th when the new document is filed, and on November 2nd when city and county residents are asked to vote on it.

And then we started writing, and it turned out there was more to talk about than I originally thought.

Starting today, I’m going to be posting some of my note overflow: mostly things people said that I thought were interesting but didn’t quite make it into the paper because of space. And because you can’t just run a bunch of quotes. It’s a journalism rule.