Style Sessions We Recommend

Hats On!

This is very exciting. Finally, someone has recognized my talent as a style judge.


As part of Springtime in Victorian Village *this* Saturday, I will be judging the Easter Bonnet contest at Mollie Fontaine Lounge at 4 p.m. I’ll be judging alongside musician Brennan Villines and state senator Beverly Marrero (left), who I think will just be perfect for the job.

The entry fee is $10, and the grand prize is a two-night stay at the Shellcrest Guesthouse in the Village.

They haven’t given me any criteria to base my judging upon, but I can tell you right now that my decision will be influenced on cuteness, how well it matches with the rest of the outfit, number of flowers, and overall height. You want to win, just use the woman below as your guide. Or Carmen Miranda but Eastery and without the fruit.
