Style Sessions We Recommend

New & Used

Okay, so I might have put these photos up in the wrong order, and I *might* have done it on purpose.

But I pretty much love the way Sarah had her photo taken in front of her closet. Not only can we see some of the items she’s worn in previous photos (the faux fur coat! the flannel shirt!), but there’s a fashion textbook sitting right there on the shelf by her right knee.


This outfit is a combination of new and used, but mostly used. In addition to her Urban Outfitter jeans, she is wearing Doc Martens from Buffalo Exchange in Austin.

“I had been looking for the perfect pair of Docs and finally found these: Maroon and a steel toe. What more could I ask for?” she says.

She also got the plaid blazer from the DAV on Summer; the denim shirt was actually one her mom got at the Gap during the ’90s.

“I may or may not have sneaked it out of her closet before I left for school,” Sarah says.

And then she topped the whole thing off with a hat from Target.