Opinion The BruceV Blog

Who Were the West Memphis Cop Killers?

Relatives have identified the two men who shot and killed two West Memphis police officers during a traffic stop yesterday as Jerry Kane, 45, and his son, Joseph, 16. Both Kanes were killed in a subsequent shoot-out with police at the West Memphis Wal-Mart 90 minutes later.

Some television reports yesterday stated that the Kanes were Hispanic. They are Caucasian and originally from Ohio. But mysteries abound about father and son. What were they up to? Why would they resist a routine traffic stop with gunfire? Was there something in their van? Explosives? Money? Drugs? Or was it just anti-government paranoia that reached a boiling point?

Joseph and Jerry Kane

  • Joseph and Jerry Kane

Jerry Kane traveled the country “giving lectures” about how to avoid “mortgage fraud.” At least, that’s the rationale given at this rather bizarre website. Some of the links on the site are to such things as “Patriot Radio” and other right-wing media outlets. It appears to be an anti-federal government-themed site.

On the opening page, Jerry Kane and his son, Joseph, are lionized as follows by “Angela”: I first met Joe Kane when he was 14. He was a sweet, loving young man with a charming demeanor and a warm smile. Joe had a a brilliant mind and quick wit, like his Father. Joe was also blessed with healing hands and he was always willing to help those in need whenever asked. Not into gangs, rap music, or drugs, he was a well rounded, wholesome young man with a healthy outlook and a golden future. Jerry and Joe were cleancut and admired by everyone that made their acquaintance, not only for their knowledge and understanding of the foreclosure scam, but for their moral ethics and integrity.

Together they educated the people about the Mortgage Fraud and how to fight to keep their homes.

Joe adored his father and was always at his side. This was a terrible tragedy for all involved in what occurred on I-40 and I hope and pray that the truth about what really happened will be revealed.

There’s more: Jerry Kane and his beautiful son Joe (age 16) were shot to death during an alleged traffic stop by law enforcement on Thursday, May 20th, 2010. Jerry, Joe and their two dogs, while on their way back to their home in Florida have been made out to be everything from drug smugglers to hispanics, which we all know is typical of the media spinners. The police said it was a traffic stop. But their van had more bullet holes in it than Bonnie and Clyde’s.

Jerry and Donna Lee were just married three months ago. Jerry spoke of ending his travelling to give classes and seminars across the country and was looking forward to staying close to home and enjoying his new life in Florida. They were happy.

Last month, Jerry was stopped on I-40 in New Mexico and arrested for not having a driver’s license. He recently completed his administrative process for the unlawful arrest.

I-40 sounds like the good ole boy stretch-of-highway, where if they spot you, and they already don’t like you, you could get killed. Even if you are just a Dad and son with your two dogs on your way home, minding your own business.

Let’s face it. If there wasn’t a “traffic stop” no one would be dead!

That’s true. It’s also true that if the Kanes hadn’t shot and killed two police officers during a traffic stop, four people wouldn’t be dead today.

I have to believe there is much, much more going to come out about the Kanes and their organization in the next few days. There is strangeness here, indeed. Nothing makes sense. Yet.

Update: Here’s a recent radio interview with Jerry Kane, in which he describes his arrest in New Mexico and his “philosophy.”