
US Goalkeeper Tim Howard Loves Memphis

Yesterday I found myself reading Men’s Health. I’m not proud of it, but I was in a waiting room for a very, very long time. An article about members of the US World Cup team mentioned goalkeeper Tim Howard’s “home in Memphis, Tennessee.”*

Er, what?

How did I not know this?

Turns out our relative obliviousness to the world of soccer is precisely the reason:

SAM- How did you end up making your summer home in Memphis? […]

TIM HOWARD- That’s where my wife’s from, and we don’t get a chance to spend loads of time in the states, for me its usually just a few weeks. We get to have some peace and quiet. It could have been any number of places, but that’s just the place we settled and to be honest I love it there. [Soccer By Ives]


It’s great. It’s quiet, it’s easy living, which is important,” he says. “[Not getting recognized] is always a good thing for me.” [CBS Sports]

Here’s hoping that the US team’s performance in the World Cup will gain gain him some well-deserved recognition stateside. Just not so much that it chases him out of Memphis.

(* You can find the passing Memphis reference here. You have to click the “Tips” tab.)
