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Hi-Hat “Jockey Club” Powder – Made in Memphis


Since so many of you seemed (or at least pretended) to enjoy my thrilling tale of Penetro (see below), I thought I’d share with you another exciting product Made in Memphis. I recently acquired a vintage, unopened, unused box of “Jockey Club” face powder, manufactured — or at least distributed — here in the 1930s by the Hi-Hat Company.

I’m too consumed with terminal ennui to bother looking into the history of this company — where it was located and all that — but thought I’d just chatter on, in my mindless way, about the product itself, which I picked up at a local estate sale.

First of all, I love the wonderful graphics on the box, showing a pair of rather spooky-looking identical triplets arranged within a sawtooth-edged white circle, which is within a light-blue circle, which itself is placed inside a dark-blue square with a bright-red border. And just look at the cool font they used for “Hi-Hat.”

The back of the box (see below) tells you pretty much all anyone would want to know about this product. It’s not just “smart” face powder, but it’s also “purse-sized” for your convenience. And gosh-a-mighty, look at all the shades available. Yes, there was the basic white and pink and “flesh.” Even something rather mysteriously called “Rachel.” But depending on your mood, you could apply “High Brown” or “Copper Bronze.” Feeling a bit frisky? Then I’d go with “Teezum Brown” or “Teezum Red.” And for a truly special evening, then you’d most certainly want to wear “Parisian Lavender Nite.”

Note that even though it’s not listed, this particular box contains “Toasted Chestnut.”

And don’t just search for this product in the local stores. Stomp your foot and DEMAND it: “Insist on Hi-Hat Jockey Club Face Powder — Sold Only Through Hi-Hat Agents.”

A bargain, I’d say, for just 10 cents.

And yes, I know what you are wondering. I DID brush it on, and my goodness that Toasted Chestnut really brings out my skintones. I mean, I have always looked fabulous, as have all the Lauderdales, but the phrase “Roman God” now comes to mind whenever I glance in the mirror (pretty much all day long).

The back of the box

  • The back of the box — click to enlarge