Music Music Blog

Listen Up: Sunweight

Alex Broadnax

Sunweight: Patrick Mulhearn, Nathan Woloshin, and Allen Wade

“Sunweight” is the new name for the band formerly known as “Geist.”

The group also has a new single, “Birth,” which was released September 20th from their upcoming album, Feral.

“It’s the same band and we all do the same things,” says guitarist Nathan Woloshin. “We literally changed our name to just have artistic credibility, really. There are other ‘Geists’ that were active bands.”

And, he says, “We’re coming out with this new record. It’s not a new sound, but it’s more of a honed-in, original sound. I’ve been calling it a ‘vintage sound for the future.’ I feel like rock music has been on the back burner as of late with hip-hop and pop being really popular.”

Sunweight also includes bass player Allen Wade and drummer Patrick Mulhearn.

Why the name “Sunweight”?

“We worship the sun and, in my opinion, the sun is the most important thing because we all kind of succumb to what it wants to do whether it rises or falls. It’s the heat, the light, the energy, what gives us life other than water. So, when you have a lot of sun weight, it’s just a lot of energy.”

“Birth” is about “having a connection with your mother in the womb and feeling what she feels,” says Woloshin, who writes their lyrics.

And there’s a double meaning, he says. “You could could go through a traumatic time or go through something that makes you feel like you’ve been lied to or you’ve been led on by other people, so you feel like from the beginning of birth you need to, more or less, question everything.”

Listen Up: Sunweight

They also simultaneously released a music video (see above) to go with the song. “I’m in it. I directed it all. Basically, it’s a woman who stumbles upon a guitar and makes love to the guitar, gets impregnated by it, and then gives birth to the electric guitar and rock music. The woman is me. I’m dressed as a lady wearing a wig.”

They began by recording four songs in 2017 at Made in Memphis Entertainment with Mike Wilson as producer. “We did the first four songs fairly quickly as far as main tracking with drums and guitar and bass.”

One song on the album was recorded at the recording studio at the University of Memphis.

Woloshin’s brother, Jacob Woloshin, plays organ on one song, “Leap of Face.”

Sunweight plans to release three singles in two week increments, Nathan says. The complete album will be released in late October or early November.

Sunweight will play a free show from 7 to 9 p.m. September 27th at Saddle Creek Beer Garden, 7605 West Farmington Boulevard in Germantown.

Artwork by Meredith Potter

By Michael Donahue

Michael Donahue began his career in 1975 at the now-defunct Memphis Press-Scimitar and moved to The Commercial Appeal in 1984, where he wrote about food and dining, music, and covered social events until early 2017, when he joined Contemporary Media.