
Peabody Rooftop Parties Named to “Top 10”

The 80-plus year-old tradition of hosting rooftop parties at the Peabody Hotel has paid off, with the popular Thursday night post-work soiree making the Top 10 list for roof/deck parties on the well-regarded travel blog

The 80-plus year-old tradition of hosting rooftop parties at the Peabody Hotel has paid off, with the popular Thursday night post-work soiree making the Top 10 list for roof/deck parties on the well-regarded travel blog

The Peabody ranked number seven on a list that also included rooftop parties in New York, Miami, San Diego, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

Last Thursday night, a pajama pants-wearing Muck Sticky and his “tribe” drew a huge crowd to the weekly gathering. A surprise appearance by homegrown rapper Al Kapone had nearly every attendee dancing and recording the show on iPhones and Blackberries. Next Thursday, 1980s hair band cover act Aqua Net takes the stage.

To read about how the Peabody Hotel boosted attendance in the past couple of years, check out Mary Cashiola’s Flyer story.