
Home Alone

This week in our inky little print edition, I wrote about last week’s Livable Memphis presentation on Stabilizing Home Ownership in a Post-Foreclosure Environment. (I know; it’s wonky, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important or interesting.)


CBANA’s Phyllis Betts presented findings on homeownership erosion, the changing character of local neighborhoods, and the disparate impact on aspiring homeowners, particularly minorities.

One challenge to the foreclosure crisis has simply been getting a handle on what’s going on. The Mid-South Peace & Justice Center, which will be leading a discussion on foreclosures July 14th, estimates that there were almost 50,000 foreclosures in Memphis from 2000 to 2009.

(There were 82,947 foreclosure notices between that time, and they estimate that 60 percent of them resulted in actual foreclosures.)

One thing both Betts and Mid-South Peace & Justice mentioned was “shadow inventory,” and how it makes getting a handle on what’s happening in local neighborhoods even more difficult.