So the Lebron James one-hour special was a hit for ESPN. As one of the 9.95 million viewers of “The Decision” I say, “way to go, Lebron, and I wish you were coming to Memphis more often.”
Lebron James could teach Memphians a few things about big announcements and press conferences. Such as . . . it helps to be a genuine star, have real news, buzz, and play up the suspense. Bonus points if someone gets unusually candid or pissed off. Such occasions are few and far between in Memphis, where the term “news conference” has been badly devalued by everyone from Willie Herenton, who has had too many of them, to Rudy Gay, whose $82 million deal was formally announced a week after it happened, to Allen Iverson, who never should have bothered.
To all those whining about too much hype and self indulgence: May you spend a year covering school board members, political also-rans, and official spokesmen who say “I am not at liberty to discuss that.”
Here are the Top Five Memphis news conferences of the last ten years.