With only two days left to vote for the Best of Memphis, I’d like to remind everyone to vote for me for Best Memphian.
Why, you ask?
I’ve been posting some of my reasons on Facebook, but here’s a larger list:
1. I am not former Memphis mayor Willie Herenton.

- Willie Herenton
2. I can name all the City Council members off the top off my head: Harold Collins, Janis Fullilove, Wanda Halbert, Jim Strickland, Bill Boyd, BSW, Bill Morrison, Shea Flinn, Kemp Conrad, Reid Hedgepeth, Edmund Ford, Joe Brown, Myron Lowery. (You’ll have to take my word for it.)
3. I’m a ref for the Memphis Roller Derby. If that wasn’t enough — though it should be — recruiters have been trying to get me to go ref for Miami, but I’ve said no.
4. I wear high heels pretty much all the time. When I’m not wearing skates (please see above.)
5. I wrote this. And this. That is what they call range.
6. I’ve never bought a big screen TV and charged it to the city’s general services division.
7. I know Huffington Post model Kerry Crawford Trisler and historian Vance Lauderdale personally. And lots of other cool people, too.

8. I don’t moonlight as an Elvis cover artist.
9. The “Best Columnist” category is too crowded. And you know Geoff Calkins is going to win, anyway.
10. I’ve never called Islam a cult.