
What They Said

About “Ford’s Change of Mind about Running, As Seen by Himself, by Opponent Luttrell, and by a Heckler”:

“Where is Mongo this year? I couldn’t find him on the ballot anywhere. I wonder if it’s a sign of the end times.” — sbanbury

About “Memphis and First Impressions” and the problem with panhandlers:

“Some of these panhandlers are very aggressive. It’s only a matter of time before someone shoots one of them because they feel threatened. What’s going to happen then?” — mad_merc

“How many of the city’s murders were committed by downtown panhandlers last year? Oh that’s right — none. People are dying in Memphis streets weekly, and you think that a bunch of harmless bums begging for drug money is a priority? Get real.” — Count Dracula

About “Memphis Beat: One Night of Sin”:

“Jason Lee seems to be very sexy. And when he was singing ‘One Night of Sin,’ if my hubby played that music 45 years ago when he was a-courtin’ me, he wouldn’t have had to wait for our wedding night. Yes, I am 63 years old and have the hots for Jason Lee.” — Your Appalacian Americana

About “Judging the Bug Cookoff”:

Let’s hope you’re getting a raise for this. I can deal with gross-out scenes in movies and on TV, but I don’t think I’d want to come face-to-face with any of the above dishes (though there has always been/will always be some kid at every school science fair who makes bug cookies).” — Mrs. Bartlebynna Beanblossom

Comment of the Week:

About “A Very Unfortunate Elvis Item” and the auction of instruments used at his autopsy (the sale was canceled):

“Go to Gracelessland with a bunch of baggies, take a breath, blow in the bag, get to eBay. Or do they already sell that at the gift shop?” — Mike from Memphis

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