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Music Video Monday: Alex da Ponte

Today on Music Video Monday, we’ve got a world premiere from Alex Da Ponte.

For her new song “Work To Do”, da Ponte tapped Ryan Earl Parker to direct a unique music video. “It was all shot in one take, so we had to rehearse and really nail it. I loved that challenge. Ryan was so wonderful to work with. He came up with the concept for the video after really listening to the song. It was so clear that he really understood what I was trying to convey. He was also really encouraging and receptive to my suggestions. And it’s always a pleasure getting to work with my best pal, Breezy [Lucia], who was the producer and AC for the shoot. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, she is THE golden crew member for projects that come through Memphis. It was a really great team that Ryan and Breezy assembled for this. For a song that’s as personal as this one for me, I felt truly comfortable having it in their hands and I think that says a lot.”

Music Video Monday: Alex da Ponte

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